Tuesday, 29 March 2011

Why this Blog?

Let me first get started by saying I really wanted to start this blog when I first got pregnant.

I procrastinated for an entire year. 

But now that I am started it might be hard to stop. I love writing. I wrote an incredibly detailed pregnancy journal that I can cherish forever.

I want to have many kids. I haven't decided what number "many" actually is but I am ready to roll!

Anyways to the point....why this blog?  my mother gave me one of those desktop calendars for my birthday (you know the one where you rip off a paper a day at a time to reveal something witty)

 anywho... This particular calendar makes me soooooo mad!

Everyday I read it, it quotes some horrible truth about being a mother that I would rather not think about  like this one: 

"Remember when you had the perky cheerleader body, and now you literally have to scoop your body parts into your clothes?" this example is not actually real as I don't want to offend the makers of the calendar but you get the idea.

I mean really??!!  a lot of the so called quotes really fuel my fire!   

I am working hard to (quickly) get my bod back in shape, so it is like I never left my pre-pregnancy body. More on this later...

So I really want to go against a lot of "norms" and I think I have already started. Some examples may be:

1. We don't own a stroller or ever want one. Unless it is given to us and is really cool. we have a backpack and a sling...good enough

2. I exclusively breast feed. I think it is the best most wholesome way to start off my child's life.

3. I use cloth diapers and wash cloths instead of disposables and wipes. I do cheat occasionally (outings, overnights, etc.) but in the end I think we have bought a total of 3 packs of diapers.

4. We don't have television and I like it that way. we do own a T.V. but it is used for the occasional movie, Gooberfish has never seen television and the other day he was awake for our viewing of "Megamind" he actually watched in silence! I think this tool will be great in the future.

So to wrap it up this is about all things mom and also life other little adventures :)

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